Graduate Profiles
Eight candidates completed the first Agile for Patriots course.
The Trailblazer graduate photos, captioned with names and professional certifications earned through, function as links to each graduate’s individual LinkedIn profile.
Practicum Portfolio
The two-week practicum provided real-world Scrum experience.
The Trailblazer portfolio summarizes team Performance, the Product they produced, and the Purpose of their work.
The eight members of the Trailblazers cohort self-organized to perform as a Scrum Team during their two-week practicum. The practicum was divided into two, one-week Sprints.
The first Sprint Goal was to create a basic yet functional web presence to publicize the Agile for Patriots program to potential Employers and Mentors, and to inform future Patriot candidates.
The second Sprint Goal was to enhance the website, and to incorporate mobile functionality.
Scrum Master: Adrian Galarza
Product Owner: Dale Bailey
Developers: Bill White, Joey Kachete, Terry Maddox, JW Washington, Ricky Davis, Ed Perry

The website, built using WordPress, was the product produced during two practicum Sprints.
The developers wrote a definition of Done that included mobile functionality and support for multiple browsers.
Transparency during the Daily Scrum contributed to effective Product Backlog inspection and adaptation.
Following the first Sprint, the Sprint Retrospective provided valuable inspection of how the team functioned, and resulted in practical adaptation for the second Sprint.
This image displays the original “About Us” page on a mobile device.
With the ultimate purpose of placing Patriots in full-time positions in the Agile community, the Agile for Patriots program provides focused training, practical experience, professional certification, and employment assistance.
This image displays the original Home page from the practicum project that provided practical experience working as a self-organizing Scrum Team.
In the spirit of service common to military veterans, four of the Trailblazers gained additional practical experience by volunteering to serve Dallas area non-profit organizations in creating or updating their online presence during GiveCamp 2017.
The current website is an update to the original website created by the Trailblazers.